We extend to you a most sincere welcome as you consider registering with our faith community at Our Lady of Mount Carmel! Our church was established in 1894 and continues to be an integral part of North Denver’s community.
We recognize that God has blessed each of us with various gifts that we can offer to a ministry in our community as we strive to build up His kingdom here on earth. As we work together toward this goal, we encourage Parishioners to serve in one of our many ministries.
We welcome those who are newly registered parishioners in our Parish. We encourage those who are interested in learning more about Our Lady of Mount Carmel to contact the Parish Office at 303-455-0447, explore our website, and prayerfully consider registering to become a member of our faith community.
The registration process is simple and can be accomplished in several ways:
Call the Parish Office, 303-455-0447, and request that a registration packet be mailed to you
Visit the Parish Office at 3549 Navajo St. in Denver and obtain the registration packet
Fill out this form and either email to church@mtcarmel7.com, mail it to us at 3549 Navajo St. Denver, CO 80211, or drop it by during office hours.
We also want to keep in touch:
Download our official app to receive updates, view our calendar, and more!
Follow us on social media. We’re on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!
Again, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
The pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is Rev. Chris Krymski, OSM. You can reach him at 303-455-0447 ext. 24. Please visit our Contact Us page for a list of staff extensions.
We believe that it is important for families to worship together, so we do not offer any special programs for children during Mass.
We do not have a nursery and rejoice in all children who join their families during Mass.
What wonderful news! Baptism is the foundation of every Christian Life and one of the three sacraments of Initiation. Baptisms are scheduled quarterly. Baptismal classes that are REQUIRED are scheduled on Thursdays at 6:00PM before the celebration of the Sacrament. Consultation with a Priest or Deacon is also REQUIRED before attending the class. Please call 303-455-0447 to set up an appointment with Fr. Hugh. You can read more about Baptisms at our church by visiting our Sacraments page.
Congratulations! A couple planning to be married should contact the parish at least 8 months in advance. Please visit our Sacraments page for more information.
We offer a fantastic Religious Education program for children ages 4-17 who are looking to receive their Sacraments or expand their knowledge of the faith. Religious Education students participate in several activities throughout the year including the Annual Christmas Play, a Food Drive, and more. To learn more about our program, please visit our Faith Formation page. You may also contact our Director at 303-455-0447 ext. 23 or by sending an email to dre@mtcarmel7.com.
Children who have made their First Communion may also become altar servers. More information can be found on our Liturgical Ministries page.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel offers an excellent adult program for those interested in learning more about Catholicism. Please contact Fr. Hugh to sign up. You can also find more information on our RCIA page.
If you’d like to know about the process of becoming a Catholic, known as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), please contact Fr. Hugh. You can also find more information on our RCIA page.
We have a Young Parishioners group for ages 18-45. The group meets throughout the year for various social and volunteer activities. For more information, please visit our Young Parishioners page.
We also have several great ministries and parish organizations that welcome all ages including Altar & Rosary Society, Men’s Club, Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Servite Secular Order, Choir, and more. You can find more information about these on their respective pages under “Parish Organizations.”
Again, our many parish ministries and organizations welcome people of all ages. Please feel free to explore them on our website under “Parish Organizations.” At this time, we do not have a singles group.
We are always here for you. Please contact us by calling the Parish Office at 303-455-0447, send an email to church@mtcarmel7.com, or send a message using the form on our Contact Us page.