Men’s Club


We believe faith is the cornerstone upon which all things in life are built.  It is the solid foundation on which we build our character, our integrity, and our relationships.  Members of the Mt. Carmel Men’s Club realize that being a good Catholic has to do with how you live and what you give each day of your life.

Some of our activities rooted in faith include:

  • Volunteering at the Annual Feast

  • Helping with St. Joseph’s Table

  • Prima Domenica (Mass in Italian)

  • Servite Secular Order membership

  • Support of Laradon Hall and Mount Saint Vincent’s

  • Bocce Tournament

  • Golf Tournament

“One is as much as he is in the sight of God, and no more.” —St. Francis of Assisi


We believe family is second only to faith.  The family is held in high regard for it provided us the training ground for life. All our life scripts were gained through our experiences growing up with our families.  Members of the Mt. Carmel Men’s Club consider their experiences to be precious gifts and we treat them with reverence and respect.

Members of the Mt. Carmel Men’s Club are loving husbands and mates, devoted fathers and stepfathers, good and decent men.  As our families grow and expand, we are usually considered the “glue” -often the ones actively securing “the ties that bind.”


We believe the friendships we forge are lasting, meaningful ones.  Members of the Mt. Carmel Men’s Club meet regularly.  We share the culture and the traditions handed down by our parents and grandparents.  We pray, break bread, tend to business matters, and enjoy the camaraderie while working together for the good of our parish, our organization, and our community.

Members of the Mt. Carmel Men’s Club celebrate our heritage collectively by helping to strengthen our respective communities.  We raise funds for the parish, the poor, and local charities.  We continue to evolve culturally while still maintaining respect for time-honored traditions.

Become One of Us

Members of the Men’s Club are likely to be:

  • Men who are not satisfied with status quo

  • A credit to their family, their community, and their culture

  • Players, not spectators, in the game of life

  • Happy with the reflection they see in the mirror but still striving to be better men

  • More likely to put the welfare of others before their own

  • Willing to do more than merely pay $30 for the annual membership

If you like what you have read, we would love to have you as a member!  Please come to our next meeting which is held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall: 3517 Navajo St. Denver, CO. You may also contact Paul Garrimone at 303-523-4939, or fill out the form below.

Yes, I’m interested in joining.