10 Catholic New Year’s Resolutions

Do you make New Year's resolutions? Most people focus on bettering their physical health in the New Year, but what about spiritual health? Here are 10 Catholic New Year's Resolutions for your consideration:

  1. Attend weekly or daily Mass: If you haven't been to Mass in a while, the new year is a great time to come back! God is waiting for you. If you already attend Sunday Mass, consider going to Daily Mass.

  2. Grab your Rosary: Some pray the rosary daily, others occasionally, and others rarely. Try to incorporate the rosary into your routine until it becomes a habit. Start by praying it weekly and increase frequency.

  3. Abstain from meat every Friday: Abstaining from meat is only required on Fridays during Lent, but it is encouraged throughout the year. Observing meatless Fridays is a great way to increase in spiritual discipline and frequently recall Jesus' Passion.

  4. Begin your day with a Morning Offering: If you struggle in your prayer life, consider saying the Morning Offering as soon as you wake up. This is short, old prayer that gives God everything we do throughout the day. If you recite it upon waking, it will become a habit.

    O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all our Associates, and in particular for the intention of the Apostleship of Prayer.

  5. Resurrect an old Church custom: Just because something has fallen out of practice doesn’t mean it’s useless. There are many old Church customs that are no longer practiced, but they can help us increase in reverence. Some practices include bowing your head whenever you hear Jesus’ name, keep silent while in the sanctuary, kneel when “…and by the power of the Holy Spirit, was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man” is said during the Creed, recite an Act of Contrition before receiving Holy Communion, and more.

  6. Choose a saintly intercessor: Make a point to pray for a particular saint’s intercession throughout the year. Learn more about them by reading about their life and reading their writings/sermons if applicable.

  7. Read the Bible: It’s crucial for Catholics to be well-versed in Holy Scripture. Be sure to use a Catholic Bible and read a little bit each day.

  8. Do an Examination of Conscience before you go to sleep: This is often done before Confession, but it’s a good practice to get into at the end of your day. Not only do we recall the sins we may have committed, we also recall how God was with us throughout the day and we ask for His grace to be better the next day.

  9. Perform a Corporal Work of Mercy: The Corporal Works of Mercy are to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit prisoners, harbor the harborless, visit the sick, and bury the dead. Begin the new year by helping a neighbor or stranger in need.

  10. Bless your house: Ask a priest to perform a blessing on your house and then, make a habit of sprinkling your home with Holy Water daily.

Buona fortuna and may you all have a happy and holy 2023!


Novena to St. Joseph


Festa del Preziossimo Sangue di Gesù