The primary function of the Altar and Rosary Society is to support the spiritual needs of its members and the church.  The purpose of the Society is to organize women of the parish, 18 years or older, to see to the needs for the appointments of the Altar and to assist with any fundraising activity for the church.  Members furnish linens, vestments, and Eucharistic hosts for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Volunteers launder linens and pay for any dry cleaning necessary to maintain vestments and Altar linens.

In addition, Society members assist and support all parish functions, including the Annual Feast, which is held in July of each year.  The Society also conducts various fundraisers throughout the year, cleans the church, and oversees the annual Saint Joseph’s Table.

Members meet six times a year in February, April, June, August, October, and December. These meetings begin with Corporate Communion followed by a meal and a business meeting.

Please contact Rosemary Peltier at 303-428-2274 or fill out the form below if you are interested in joining.


Yes, I’m interested in joining.